Premier service from the best company in the area, guaranteed!
If you need a locksmiths in Germiston that really does know their stuff, you have come to the right place. We are superior to the other companies in the area due to our comprehensive range of services, unrivalled local knowledge and 30+ years’ experience in the industry. There is no lock we haven’t come up against before, no key we can cut or duplicate and no safe we can’t crack. Call us now, tell us what you need and we’ll find the solution – fast!
If you need a fast response or out of hours, after dark professional, then we operate a 24 hour, emergency service and due to our central location, we can be with you in under 20 minutes, no matter what time of day or night it might be. We cover your car locks, car transponder keys, immobilisers and ignition systems as well as gaining access to locks at home or in the office if you find yourself locked in or out. One call to our professionals will have you sorted in no time at all and we guarantee you’ll pay the best rates in Johannesburg.
If you have a bigger job, or if you need commercial services, we can help. From installing new locks for landlords, after a break in on following a change of ownership, our fully mobile service comes direct to your door with the tools and equipment to carry out a professional job while you wait, with no second visit necessary saving you both time and money. Call the professional Locksmith Germiston now on 011 568 0934 to fully discuss you requirements and to book an appointment.
We have comprehensive coverage of the Germiston area and the locksmith travels to the following:
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